Educational Resources
The COVID-19 has taught us that we need to find alternative ways to get the resources to our producers. The Educational Resources tab has allowed us to post upcoming webinars, workshops, and publications related to cattle production. Below you will find resources from Zoetis, Select Sires, and Virginia Cooperative Extension. The purpose of this tab is to compile resources related to the beef industry, livestock, forages, pasture management, and the economy all in one place. This is a time for an increase in virtual learning. If you have problems with these links, please let us know!
Already participated in a webinar? Take this survey to tell us your thoughts.
Beef Vaccinations by Dr. John Currin
Click below to watch a recording of the Jan 2024 BCA meeting discussing herd health and vaccine schedules.
Conservation Easements
Click below to watch a recording of the October 2023 meeting discussing conservation easements.
VA Farm Bureau Cattle Pulse
Monthly update on the Virginia feeder cattle markets, the national tresnds that affect them and the stories of cattle producers around the commonwealth. Listen whereever you find your podcasts.

Upcoming Webinars
No upcoming webinars at this time. Check back later for more information!
Reproductive Vaccines
Protecting calves from disease begins before they are born. At the herd level, low pregnancy rates, abortions and calf deaths are some of the real economic losses associated with inadequate fetal protection against reproductive diseases. Protecting the health of the unborn calf is important not only to the vitality of the calf but also the cow’s well-being and future productivity. A healthy productive cowherd can help improve the financial health of a cow/calf operation. -Zoetis
Selecting Reprodutive Vaccines
Mixing Bovi-Shield Gold FP VL5 HB
Fun Fact: Did you know that cattle under two years of age typically have the highest parasite burdens of any age group and are most impacted by parasites? With that in mind, internal roundworms are also found in adult cattle and can have dramatic effects on their overall health as well. Cattle in the U.S. may be exposed to nineteen genera of internal roundworms, three tapeworm genera, three fluke genera, four lice genera, four mite genera, and several fly and tick genera. Parasitic diseases of cattle impair health, reproduction, growth, and productivity. In severe cases, parasitic diseases may even cause death. - Zoetis
Improving Cattle Health Through Parasite Control
How to Administer Dectomax Injectable
How to Administer Dectomax Pour-On (2.5 & 5L)
All producers — from cow/calf to feedlot — could be compromising cattle health and performance because of an intestinal, protozoan parasite called coccidia. Coccidiosis is a disease that affects most species of domestic livestock and poultry and results in significant economic losses due to mortality and, more important, decreased growth and feed efficiency due to the damage to the intestinal tract. Cattle are exposed to coccidiosis in all conventional management systems, but most frequently, coccidiosis affects calves 1 to 6 months of age, especially during periods of stress; though, older cattle continue to shed the parasite.
Dr. Mark Alley, Zoetis Senior Technical Veterinarian recently shared the following photographs in a presentation asking those in attendance, “which of these calves would you say is affected with coccidiosis?” The answer – BOTH

“Commonly, we associate clinical symptoms such as manure with specks of blood or scours to coccidia infections says Dr. Alley. “But, over 95% of cases in cattle demonstrate signs you can’t see such as reduced weight gain, rough hair or suppressed feed intakes.”
In a study conducted with Virginia Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, fecal samples were obtained in beef cattle of various age groups in the central Appalachian region. No signs of clinical coccidiosis were noted in any age during the study period. The findings of this study revealed that calves less than 1 year of age have a high prevalence of infection and shed the highest number of oocysts (eggs) compared to other age groups of cattle. Additionally, fecal oocyst counts peaked in July/August when the calves were 5-6 months of age. Interestingly, 100% of calves were shedding oocysts just prior to weaning.
One of the simplest ways to prepare for — and treat — coccidiosis is to include an in-feed, medication. Preventing coccidiosis also can help maintain immune system function. Without the suppressive effects of coccidia on an animal’s immune system, calves can respond better to secondary disease challenges. Dr. Alley states, “In an animal that has internal parasites (including coccidia) and exposed to a wild virus or virus within a vaccine, the calf’s immune system may be redirected preferentially to the parasite. The result is a reduced immune response to the vaccine or poorer response to therapy. No health program is complete without considering coccidia and other internal parasite control.”
Merck Animal Health
This is a series of Lunch and Learn webinars with packers and processors giving factual information about the sustainability of the beef supply chain and what various groups within the supply chain are doing to reduce their environmental impact, as well as answer other questions this group has about beef cattle production and the entire supply chain system.
Lunch and Learns- Dr. Jacques Fuselier: Antibiotic Use in Livestock Production
Lunch and Learns- Dr. Dave Sjeklocha: Animal welfare programs and industry adoption
Lunch and Learns- Dr. John Hutcheson: Cattle nutrition basics- Doing more with less
Lunch and Learns- Dr. Grant Crawford: How animal health products are approved
Lunch and Learns- Dr. Kim Stackhouse: What packers are doing to reduce their carbon footprint and improve sustainability
Lunch and Learns-Mike Williams: Sustainable Ranching – What does that mean to a cow/calf producer?
Lunch and Learns-Ben Holland: Why we feed cattle
Lunch and Learns-Alexandra Lewin-Zwerdling: Consumers, trends, and media coverage of plant- vs animal-based protein
Lunch and Learns-Ty Lawrence: The Truth About Hormones